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Monday, March 30, 2009

Let's have two-way communication ok?!

Friends, I'm thinking damn hard how to get your feedback and opinion on this blog. Why?

1. I like to hear your opinion/question, definitely I don't want to speak to myself everyday...this is the reason why i stop so long time no blogging.

2. I'm really surprised out there there are someone visiting this blog( I see 78 unique visitors on the stats meter only today, after long time never blog! the not-blogging time was only 20 pax visitors on averge). So i guess I have something valuable to share with you, even it's only make your life a little bit easier or clear your little bit doubt or just chit chat anything.

And, I'm looking for the easy way to get a better interactive tool. however, i'm a dummy on the website design issues, after spend quite some time to put on the right handside widgets---feel damn tough already. Wondering is there anyone out there can help me on this. In the end, I found this popular tools called " Twitter"'s already put up on your top righthand side. Below are the ways to write your comments or get your questions up:

1. On the comment section, just click comment under each post. You need to register a google account if you don't have.

2. Follow my "Twitter" on the top right handside. You need to register too, just click "my twitter page" at the bottom of the twitterbox or click here . So that eveytime you will be updated for any position or updates from me. You can post you comment there too.

3. The ShoutMix chat box. no need register, you can leave a short msg there however,the space is small and it be pushed down by new messages.

These are the 3 ways for your action. I prefer you write under comment section for each question. it's clear, spacious and lasting. Twitter not bad too, just try it out, let me know you are out there!

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