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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How high could we go?

Today's rally is very impressive for the blue chips. I prematurely closed out RafflesEdu this morning, due to the over-estimate of rebound.Stud action. certain stocks such as RafflesEdu, NOL seems condomned to down.

Below are couple of stocks I am watching out with the target price it may hit.

1. Capitaland 2.02
2. SGX 4.46
3. CityDev 4.75
4. SIA 10.3
5. SPC 2.5

This is certainly not a projection. and the time scale isn't meant to be accruate. My point is simply that, since it dropped sharply for the past 3 weeks, there is ample room for upside with little resistance. The US market should be around...err. S&P 800 and benearth 8000 for DOW.

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