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Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm A Broker Now

It's very uncomfortable to me as I have no account to trade for a week--- I must close all my trading accounts because I joined Kim Eng as a broker,and my staff account in Kim Eng can only be ready by next week. Sigh...

Yes, I'm a broker now. The reasons why I choose to be a broker:

1. I don't want to trade alone, it make me feel lonely. I feel that it doesn't actually make me happier even I making money out of it.

2. "No matter how much money you make, your day won't be complete if you didn't make a contribution". How true it is, Human being are ultimately social lives. I want to contribute more to the society. sounds big but it is. Does not matter how much I can contribute but the action.

3. I can learn more by go "inside" into the trading industry. In fact I already learnt a lot of stock market mechanism during my one month training. that's great.

4. It's good to help others while get extra income.

5. I can get cheaper commission rate for my trading.

6. Many great traders are once a broker. It's what I got from books.

7. It's my initial objective, when the time I decided to took my BSc. Banking and Finance course.

Err...I guess that's all. I work because I want to, not because I have to.


Anonymous said...

I am learning to trade. can teach me abit? I need to learn


SgTrader said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. pls write to me with your email if you can. I'm holding workshops FREE for my clients on monthly basis.