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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Reasons for High Dividend Stocks

Refer to my post "High Dividend Stock" in two posts back, or click here:

I thought the idea to invest in high dividend stocks are pretty simple, just do a simple calculation below:

There are total 24 stocks in the two groups of High Dividend stocks, and each one will give at least 5% dividend yield per year, assume we are to buy all 24 stocks to form a High Dividend Stock Portfolio, total expected dividend yield is therefore:

120% = 24 x 5%
That is total 120% dividend yield return if based on the minimum 5% dividend yield. The idea is buy group one stocks when they are quite low, then when market rebound, you have not only dividend gain but also good capital gain.


sgx dividends said...

Greatly blog… I would like to ask you that what type of strategy is followed by the investors to increase payout ratio.

Singapore dividends

SgTrader said...

We want to have a great dividend payout while also enjoy the possible capital gain. so as to improve our portfolio performance.
You can say it's Fundamental+Technical kind of approach in broad.

Dividend said...

I have to say that the information here was the most complete that I found anywhere. I am definitely bookmarking this to come back and read later.